KIA Sportage
object(Vehica\Model\Post\Car)#16680 (4) { ["model"]=> object(WP_Post)#16412 (24) { ["ID"]=> int(31452) ["post_author"]=> string(2) "86" ["post_date"]=> string(19) "2024-05-18 08:55:09" ["post_date_gmt"]=> string(19) "2024-05-18 08:55:09" ["post_content"]=> string(0) "" ["post_title"]=> string(12) "KIA Sportage" ["post_excerpt"]=> string(0) "" ["post_status"]=> string(7) "publish" ["comment_status"]=> string(6) "closed" ["ping_status"]=> string(6) "closed" ["post_password"]=> string(0) "" ["post_name"]=> string(14) "kia-sportage-2" ["to_ping"]=> string(0) "" ["pinged"]=> string(0) "" ["post_modified"]=> string(19) "2024-05-18 08:55:09" ["post_modified_gmt"]=> string(19) "2024-05-18 08:55:09" ["post_content_filtered"]=> string(0) "" ["post_parent"]=> int(0) ["guid"]=> string(54) "" ["menu_order"]=> int(0) ["post_type"]=> string(10) "vehica_car" ["post_mime_type"]=> string(0) "" ["comment_count"]=> string(1) "0" ["filter"]=> string(3) "raw" } ["user":protected]=> NULL ["settings":protected]=> array(0) { } ["terms":protected]=> array(0) { } }
100,000 km
Объем двигателя:
2000 cm3
Тип топлива:
100,000 km
Тип КПП:
Кол. дверей:
Offer ID #31452
Sales Manager

Manager Vânzǎri

Менеджер по продажам

str. Studenților 7/7

Monday – Sunday : 09:00 – 18:00

Luni – Duminicǎ : 09:00 – 18:00

Понедельник – Воскресение : 09:00 – 18:00

KIA Sportage

object(Vehica\Model\Post\Car)#16680 (4) { ["model"]=> object(WP_Post)#16412 (24) { ["ID"]=> int(31452) ["post_author"]=> string(2) "86" ["post_date"]=> string(19) "2024-05-18 08:55:09" ["post_date_gmt"]=> string(19) "2024-05-18 08:55:09" ["post_content"]=> string(0) "" ["post_title"]=> string(12) "KIA Sportage" ["post_excerpt"]=> string(0) "" ["post_status"]=> string(7) "publish" ["comment_status"]=> string(6) "closed" ["ping_status"]=> string(6) "closed" ["post_password"]=> string(0) "" ["post_name"]=> string(14) "kia-sportage-2" ["to_ping"]=> string(0) "" ["pinged"]=> string(0) "" ["post_modified"]=> string(19) "2024-05-18 08:55:09" ["post_modified_gmt"]=> string(19) "2024-05-18 08:55:09" ["post_content_filtered"]=> string(0) "" ["post_parent"]=> int(0) ["guid"]=> string(54) "" ["menu_order"]=> int(0) ["post_type"]=> string(10) "vehica_car" ["post_mime_type"]=> string(0) "" ["comment_count"]=> string(1) "0" ["filter"]=> string(3) "raw" } ["user":protected]=> object(Vehica\Model\User\User)#17233 (2) { ["model"]=> object(WP_User)#17252 (8) { ["data"]=> object(stdClass)#17221 (10) { ["ID"]=> string(2) "86" ["user_login"]=> string(9) "ion_meg_2" ["user_pass"]=> string(34) "$P$Bd/MBGsISEZmTqL9tssPFLws3ZHqnq/" ["user_nicename"]=> string(9) "ion_meg_2" ["user_email"]=> string(22) "[email protected]" ["user_url"]=> string(20) "" ["user_registered"]=> string(19) "2024-05-10 08:13:21" ["user_activation_key"]=> string(0) "" ["user_status"]=> string(1) "0" ["display_name"]=> string(12) "Ion Megherea" } ["ID"]=> int(86) ["caps"]=> array(1) { ["vehica_business_role"]=> bool(true) } ["cap_key"]=> string(15) "wp_capabilities" ["roles"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(20) "vehica_business_role" } ["allcaps"]=> array(1) { ["vehica_business_role"]=> bool(true) } ["filter"]=> NULL ["site_id":"WP_User":private]=> int(1) } ["packages":"Vehica\Model\User\User":private]=> object(Vehica\Core\Collection)#17230 (1) { ["items":protected]=> array(1) { [0]=> object(Vehica\Panel\Package)#17245 (3) { ["number":"Vehica\Panel\Package":private]=> int(99999) ["expire":"Vehica\Panel\Package":private]=> int(0) ["featuredExpire":"Vehica\Panel\Package":private]=> int(0) } } } } ["settings":protected]=> array(0) { } ["terms":protected]=> array(0) { } }
Объем двигателя:
2000 cm3
Тип топлива:
100,000 km
Тип КПП:
Кол. дверей:
ID #31452
Кредитный Калькулятор
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Титульные и другие сборы и стимулы не включены в этот расчет, который является лишь приблизительным. Ориентировочные ежемесячные платежи предназначены для информационных целей и не представляют собой предложение о финансировании со стороны продавца. Могут взиматься и другие налоги.
Кредитный Калькулятор
Utilizați calculatorul nostru de împrumut pentru a calcula plățile pe durata împrumutului dumneavoastră. Introduceți informațiile dvs. pentru a vedea cât ar putea fi plățile dvs. lunare. Puteți ajusta durata împrumutului, avansul și rata dobânzii pentru a vedea cum aceste modificări vă cresc sau scad plățile.

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Стоимость кредита


Общая Стоимость


Aceste calcule sunt doar estimative. Alte taxe nu sunt incluse în acest calcul. Estimările lunare de plată au caracter informativ și nu reprezintă o ofertă de finanțare din partea vânzătorului acestui vehicul. Se pot aplica și alte taxe.
Кредитный Калькулятор
Use our loan calculator to calculate payments over the life of your loan. Enter your information to see how much your monthly payments could be. You can adjust length of loan, down payment and interest rate to see how those changes raise or lower your payments.

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Общая Стоимость


Title and other fees and incentives are not included in this calculation, which is an estimate only. Monthly payment estimates are for informational purpose and do not represent a financing offer from the seller of this vehicle. Other taxes may apply.
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